Wildfire Growth
Centre college 2024 campus update
In late 2023, the Centre staff sat down with a few student leaders to dream about what God could do at Centre College. It had been a challenging rebuild at Centre in the wake of COVID, but God raised up a core group of students who were hungry to grow in their faith, and eager to make an impact. It felt like God was preparing to move!
That night we talked about how the ministry had grown from a tiny spark into a “campfire.” God had taken nothing and created something beautiful with it as only He can do. But what now? We asked God to make that little campfire into a wildfire. Camp fires are nice… They’re cozy, comfortable, and safe. But those adjectives really don’t describe wildfire. Wildfire is unpredictable, ravenous, consuming, and most importantly, wildfire is an act of God.
That night was a shifting point for the movement at Centre. In early 2024, we began to share our faith more than ever. Through the relationships that were born in the wake of that night, by God’s mercy, we saw 26 students come to know Jesus at Centre that school year. We have spent much of this Fall investing in those young believers, as well as continuing to share the Gospel broadly. God has begun a multiplying movement at Centre. We are praying that the flames of the Gospel continue to spread abroad, as we continue to build relationships and share Christ for His glory. Lord, bring a Gospel wildfire!
5 intentional discipleship groups
25 students being discipleD
57 students studying the Bible with our student leaders
136 total students involved
“Campus Outreach has provided me with a firm foundation not only in my faith, but in those around me that consistently sharpen me. I have learned how to understand Gods’ word, as well as strengthen my relationship with him. Gaining knowledge in the gospel, as well as how to share it with others is something that will stick with me for life.”
- Colt, Senior at Centre
Campus Director:
Tyler Sole
Campus staff:
Cam Pittman, & Annie Sostok