...that's our vision statement, but what does it really mean? And how does it affect the way we go about doing ministry?
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Glorifying God...
The ultimate purpose of all creation is to bring attention to God and to glorify him. Campus Outreach Lexington exists so that he may receive praise, honor, and glory from us as we find our joy in him. It is our desire that His identity, reputation, and fame be proclaimed to all people, in all places, by all appropriate means, as urgently as possible.
...by building laborers...
Building laborers takes many resources, but the returns on this investment are immeasurable. Our prayer is that students will graduate feeling equipped to build not only their careers but also the Kingdom of God. We work hand-in-hand with colleges/universities, churches, families, and individuals to produce more desperately-needed Kingdom leaders.
...on the campus...

The college campus is a strategic mission field: students live in a small, dense areas, and are generally more available and teachable than at any other point in their life. College students are also at the "crossroads" of their lives, making long-term decisions and moving out to influence the world. This is an ideal time to challenge them to live according to God's word.
...for the lost world.
The purpose of Campus Outreach Lexington is to reach the world for Christ by mobilizing laborers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world. Our vision is that trained graduates would provide leadership in every sphere of influence (the church, medicine, community, business, education, missions, etc.), at home and around the world.
Our Values
Passion for God and His glory
Christ-like character
Authority & value of God's Word.
Living by faith
Multiplying life-on-life discipleship
Privilege mentality
Leadership development culture
Love for people
Purpose-driven living
Pioneering spirit
Gospel culture
Vital Relationships
1. Community in the Trinity (God the father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit)
Part of our job description is to invest deeply in relationship with God. We also include theological development around our relationship with God into our regular staff training cycle.
2. Gospel-Centered Community (the Church)
Our staff are all active members of their local churches, learning to live together in a gospel community for the sake of God’s Kingdom expanding. Learn more about our connection to the local church.
3. Mentors & Teachers
Each staff member is encouraged to pursue mentors outside of our leadership structure, in addition to the mentoring they received within in.
4. Family
The relationships we have with our family members is vital to our health. Regarding the relationship with a spouse, we think Pastor Tim Keller says it best: "If your marriage is strong, even if all the circumstances in your life around you are filled with trouble and weakness, it won't matter. You will be able to move out into the world in strength. However, if your marriage is weak, even if all the circumstances in your life around you are marked by success and strength, it won't matter. You will move out into the world in weakness."
5. Relationships in the World
We believe that ministry is not only a job, it is a way of life. Neighbors, community members, and previous friendships are all ministry opportunities, and provide our team a chance to model to college students what it looks like to live in the "real world."
Our Vehicle
Strategic campuses
Interdenominational profile
Commitment to teams
Connection with the church
Catalytic growth opportunities
Franchising growth strategy
Interconnectedness with other CO vehicles
Culturally relevant