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June-July, 2019

Lexington is the home of 500,000 people with thousands of businesses and nonprofit organizations.  There are ample opportunities to serve and invest your time and energy in our city! Will you join us this summer as we engage with some of these local business leaders and non profit organizations?  Over June and July, the Lexington City Project will help you grow in your faith through trainings, community, and serving the city. The cost is only $25, which covers your materials, fun things we will do, and all other costs associated with the summer.

Lexington City Project Schedule

For Christ

  • On Wednesday nights, you will meet with the whole group of Lexington Project students on UK's Campus to learn and grow in your relationship with God and each other.

  • On Sundays, we'll attend church together during the Summer.

For Community

  • A couple of times throughout the summer we will have time to hang out with each other outside our groups and enjoy the summer together (Trip to Red River Gorge, Lexington Legends Game, etc.) 

For the City

  • We've also worked with some local non-profit organizations to plan service projects that directly help the Lexington community. We will try to partner with them a couple of times throughout the summer in order to demonstrate the love of God both in word and deed. 

Need to pay the $25 registration fee?